We Want the Same Things
Today, in my Urban studies foundation studio we walked through neighborhood with quite the history. Pre-1800's the neighborhood of Vestebro was evidently used predominantly for military purposes, (they used to flood it or something of that nature?). At any rate, in 1840 this neighborhood had a population of 35,000. In 1900 it was closer to 65,000. So we see an increase in population density without much of an increase in total neighborhood area, hello density. This interesting place, also had a old fortress/castle that was good ol' Christian the 7th's. Evidently, there was no one who was found of this particular Danish King very likable. He had a huge park that he stocked with exotic animals, parrots in particular that he shot from his castle. Who does that? What on earth, our professor justified it by hinting at inbreeding within royalty, but I will refrain from diving in to that debate. So this park, in 1991 underwent an urban renewal project, which added green space for people, a playground (shaped like parrots haha), and many other amenities to attract people to the space. When we walked through it today, it was just packed, kids running, climbing, and jumping everywhere, followed by parents trying to keep up. The park was completed in 2004. Now it stands as a fundamental part to the success of a desirable neighborhood. Unfortunately, what usually accompanies growth, progress, and investment, is gentrification. If you are unfamiliar with the term, it basically means, displacement of non upper-middleclass/middle class individuals from a neighborhood due to rising living costs. This term often coincides with racial discriminations but I won't dive more in to that either. The point of today's rant I guess, is that even in places like Copenhagen, which are so lovingly dubbed the happiest places to live in the world, they still experience issues like immigration reform, gentrification, racial discrimination, etc. So there are still answers to be found, solutions to be produced. This is not cause for discouragement, or hopelessness, this is cause for a renewal of ambition, a renewal of self criticism. We can do better as a society, as a people, as human beings.