Czech me outside, how bout dat

The Czech Republic, wow. Truly spectacular. This post will be mostly about what activities you will take part in should you choose to sign up for the Czech Trek DIScovery Tour, which I highly recommend! So I am going to break it down for you by day, each one was jam packed with tons of activities so I will keep their descriptions short and if you find yourself having further questions about what happened I guess you will just have to email me! :)
After a very long bus ride, we woke up and had breakfast in the castle we were staying at, Hruba Skala, no big deal. Following breakfast we broke up in to two groups to either learn some archery or engage in some "ice breakers" which turned out to basically be games that got us to know each other. After a fun filled day of activities we again ate in the castle and then had time to chill with each other! (The bar in the castle stays open for careful 2 dollar beers!)

This day was perhaps the most exciting and exhausting! In a good way though I promise. Once again we broke up in to two groups and either went rock climbing or went on a cave and rope expedition in Mala Skala. I. personally went one the cave and rope expedition first. It is hard to describe how beautiful the forest was, and how empowering it was to overcome ones fears. Crawling through tunnels on your stomach into darkness, jumping over gaps between rocks, climbing down rope ladders, working as a team to navigate through the forest. [Worry not, there is a guide with you who will be very helpful :)].

After lunch at a restaurant in Mala Skala we switched, so we went to climb some rocks! Again, so so beautiful, hard to describe, pictures don't do it justice but they are certainly better than just descriptions! My advice to you, is to do it. CLIMB, you will probably be a little scared, especially if you haven't climbed before BUT it is more than worth it, not just for the view, but for the feeling of accomplishment and pride you will have afterwards. There is also a surprise for you at the end of day from the guides... I won't say anymore than that but play along and have fun with it!

This day was one of the more relaxing, we went zip lining and high rope walking in the morning and a long hike in the afternoon. It quite entertaining to watch people zip line..and to actually zip line yourself? Oh it is such a rush, you feel a little silly just hanging there but again it's all about overcoming your fears. It should also be noted that the guides overseeing all your adventures are well trained and even though they goof around a lot they are VERY careful and will take care of you :).

In the afternoon after lunch we went for a nice long hike through the forest around the castle, such an incredibly unique landscape. You may be tired, there are quite a few stairs but you will be BLOWN away by the view at the top. I promise you that.

It was a hell of a trip. Seriously, I met some of the nicest people here, other individuals who share an obsession with the outdoors or learned to have one after the trip. This trip will make you grow, if you choose to let it. You are presented day after day with opportunities to overcome fears, apprehensions, and doubts. I will leave you with a wonderful quote that I find sums up how this trip made me feel.
Hello, fear.
Thank you for being here.
You're my indication that I'm
doing what I need to do.
-Cheryl Strayed
Alright, enough blabbering from me. Keep a look out for the next post about my solo trek into the Czech mountains for mountain biking and more hiking and traveling tips!
Peace and Love Turtle Doves.