"Part of the household"
Some mornings you wake up and things just feel right, things are good, you slept well enough to justify waking up at 530 before your alarm.
Maybe it has a little to do with the fact that last week you bought a spontaneous trip to Norway to hike Trolltunga! ( stay tuned for a post about that adventure!) Maybe it has to do with the fact that I have now been here about a month and already I wish my stay was extending past December.
Lygne and I have gotten very close, my 7 year old host brother, despite our language barrier. (See the picture below that accurately represents his goofiness) Trying to learn danish from a 7 year old is actually quite helpful! He teaches me danish and I teach me the days of the week, various foods, and numbers in english.

According to my host mom Christina, he was asking about whether or not it was okay for him to get a cat for his 8th birthday next March. She said yes but he then proceeded to insist that she ask if I was okay with it too, she then had to explain that I wasn't going to be here next spring!
It's crazy to think about leaving this place in 3 months. The routine is established now. Biking to class is a wonderful wonderful thing, the air is cool, the tunes are great, the route is lovely.
I am so happy with my decision to stay with a host family, already it feels as though I have established a lasting connection with them.
I wish I could explain the feeling I had this morning. No longer needing to type in the address to DIS for my bike ride, looking around and seeing familiar landmarks. I got to class an hour early today (7:30 am to be exact...), it is very fun to see the city wake up. Sitting in Gammeltorv near the fountain is a lovely way to wake up, I would recommend it.