Missing Home
Chances are you will miss your family at least once. Something will remind you of them, a song, something you eat, something you think about it. It is a funny thing, missing people.
The photo above is from my childhood home. The landscape of Sweden (where I am now) reminds me a great deal of home. The rolling hills, the cute little houses tucked away in the valleys. Luckily there aren't black labs running around too because it would probably make me cry. ( I have a black lab back home named Mia.)
I have to say that staying with a host family has made this thing much easier. I haven't actually lived at home, like with my parents, since high school. It is kind of nice to have a person looking out for you in when you are in unfamiliar territory like, I don't know in another country that has a different culture and speaks a different language than you. They make things easier that is for sure, Christina and Lygne. I am so grateful for them and the relationship we have formed.
I find myself thinking about what I could be missing back home. I have 2 nieces, Nora and Elsie who are just the cutest little nieces in the world. It is crazy how quickly kids grow up, and I can't imagine how big they will be when I come back or all the words and phrases they will have learned by then. Hell even my parents! Not that they will be learning new words or growing necessarily but you know, time changes everyone, whether we want it to or not.
Changes happen, life happens. We all leave home eventually, whether that be for a short time, or sometimes even forever. Home is and will always be just that, home.
I very much look forward to being back and seeing my family, sharing stories with them about my travels and hearing all about their adventures as well. I know that no matter how far off I wander into the world, I will always be able to come home to a hot meal, lots of hugs, and lots of love.
Food for thought, maybe call your parents and siblings more often...
Peace and Love Turtle Doves.