Czech this place out...

Hopefully my fellow trek trekkers can appreciate this pun not only for its cleverness, but perhaps for its persistence because I lost track of how many times we made this pun. ANYWAYS.
The Czech Republic, wow Unbelievable truly. For the sake of wanting to not have a 3 page long blog I will be splitting it up in to 3 sections. Today I'll be writing about the day in Prague, the next one will be about the Czech trek discovery tour itself, and the third will be about the adventure I am about to embark on. Also be on the lookout for the "Czech" photo slide show on the shots page in the next few days! Lots of good shots indeed!
A day in Prague, after a long evening of "festivities" the bus ride to Prague from Hruba Skala was long, many people napped, others listened to throwback hits by 50 cent and Sum 41. Different strokes for different folks.
Essentially we had the day to walk around and explore the city on our own for the morning, and following that there was a guided tour of the city at about 1:45 (13:45 for you military timers, trust me you will want to learn it if you go to DIS). So a friend and I decided to walk around, no destination in mind, we did have a map, but it was mostly just a aimless wander dictated by the next thing we saw that made us say "OOO what's that?!". So we ended up the Saint Vitus Cathedral, after a long walk through the city.

Gothic cathedrals, not only are incredible to your average Joe, but in terms of architecture holy guacamole people, they are out of this world. Walking through the courtyard to the cathedral I really did find myself saying "wow" out loud. The sheer size of the thing and the detail is mind-blowing. When we walked inside I didn't speak, my mouth simply hung open. The size, the stain glass, the flying butts, which allow for the huge vaulted ceilings, it was all a very moving experience. I would recommend it for sure.

I know everyone says this, but pictures do not do it justice at all.
We continued walking, learning about the very interesting history of Prague, nazi occupation, Honza's, Saint John, and many other interesting things. If you get a chance to go to Prague in your free time, do so. If you plan ahead a little bit, sign up for the Czech Trek discovery tour, you will meet some incredible people and build some lasting friendships.

There are so many things on this planet that you have to see to believe, so go out and see them.
Peace and love turtle doves.